Look at the benefits of Pinch of turmeric : Skincare Talk.
Who doesn't know about turmeric (haldi) the most important and underrated spice of every Indian household, the hidden ingredient which is used to enhance the colour, taste and texture of every Indian food is not hidden anymore. The ingredient used in every Indian kitchen is not only restricted to kitchen, apart from being an amazing ingredient for good food, it should also be credited for good skin! Yes turmeric can also be used as natural ingredient in order to achieve a better glowing skin naturally without using other products.
How does it benefits skin?
Turmeric a spice in Indian cuisine comes from the family of ginger but majorly is used in the powder form, now you must be wondering why is it used for skincare purpose? the bioactive ingredients present in the turmeric naturally makes it the most beneficial for the skin care and majorly for the brightening of the skin and reduce the wrinkles on the skin. Studies so far has also proved that all the natural antioxidants found in it all support to reduce wounds naturally as it reduces the inflammation. The turmeric helps to even out the skin tone, helps t soften and smoothen the skin texture.
Majority of the skin care brads are incorporating turmeric in their products but what is better than using the ingredient in its most natural form? One in order to achieve the best results can do DIY in the home itself as the ingredient is easily available in our households.
One can achieve the best results with a little bit of efforts put together, The ingredient can be used alone or can be mixed with other complementary ingredients in order to get good skin.
- Turmeric facemask : add a pinch of turmeric powder with a small amount of sandalwood powder, honey and water, make sure to make a good paste and apply on the skin and leave it for the rest10 mins, rinse the mask with normal water and follow it twice a week for better results.
- Turmeric cleanser : in order to achieve a better skin , and get rid of dark spots and to achieve a better even skin, try out this,
Add a pinch of turmeric with chickpea powder and in order to make a fine paste don't forget to add milk and wash your skin with it, you can defiantly see the results in 2-4 uses of it.
Don't forget to do patch test prior applying anything new to your skin so that you can get an idea how that thing would react on your skin. Make sure you add a small quantity of turmeric whenever you use it, otherwise it would leave the yellow colour on your face if used in a huge quantity.